You can make a difference

Support Jeff to get off to a strong start. Campaigns need support, whether you put a sign on your lawn, volunteer to canvass with us, or make a donation; your support is what will make Jeff successful.


Campaigns need money for signs, advertisements, and brochures. Donating is an easy and quick way to support Jeff’s campaign.

You can make a donation right now, using the secure PayPal link below.

To donate, you must be an Ontario resident, and the most you can donate to any one campaign is $1200. If you donate more than $100, provincial law requires that we include your name and donation total on a public financial disclosure form at the end of the campaign.

To make a donation, you can use PayPal from this page. Alternately, please contact Jeff ( or complete the form below, and we can make arrangements for you to donate by cheque.

Volunteer or Host a Lawn Sign

If you would like to volunteer or take a lawn sign, please fill in the form below, and we will be in touch with you.

Lawn signs can be placed in mid-September, and our volunteer team will gladly put up the sign on your lawn and remove it after the election.

There are also lots of volunteer opportunities with the campaign, from knocking on doors to helping on election day, and more. Let us know if you’d like to help, and we can find a role for you.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Your Message

How do you want to support Jeff's Campaign
 Donate Take A Lawn Sign Volunteer